The Salt treatment is well known as the process of inhaling
dry air constitutes of Tiny salt particles of salt in the form of air. Through
air an individual inhale the tiny salt particles which travel to the smallest
and deepest areas of lungs. This therapy helps to support the good immune
system, thinning and emission of mucus, reduce the irritation in the airways.
Also this is the therapy by which Allergic particles and pollutants enters in
the immune system can be easily eliminated
To make body relief from symptoms like Allergies, asthma,
COPD and other respiratory illness Salt treatment is the best way as it is drug
free treatment which helps in maintaining the good immune system to fight with
the diseases. Salt treatment works powerfully to fight the diseases or make
relief from the uneasiness of respiratory and skin diseases in the areas where
pollution and pollen levels are high.
To make skin healthy and free from skin allergies It can
also make benefit, to remove toxins from the respiratory systems with the use
of Salt treatment respiratory system is a pathway. If any circumstances respiratory
pathway is overwhelmed, the skin will be act as the secondary pathway for
removal of toxin. Due to toxins effects on skin also raises - problems like
rashes, acne or other problems early stage of skin dullness wrinkles etc. with
the help of Salt treatment we can make our skin healthy and look clear and
The best, safest, effective, complementary tool that can be
used for cure of respiratory & skin problems is Salt treatment as it is
natural way which can cleanse and maintain both skin & respiratory system
healthy from inside as well as outside.
It is a complementary and drug free gift for the treatment
of respiratory and skin conditions, which is neither medical treatment nor
replacement of medical care. This kind of meditation should not be taken
without consulting your physician especially in case of diseases if you have
allergies, asthma, dermatological or other medical conditions.
conditions can be treated by Salt Therapy?
chronic bronchitis
ear infection
hay fever
respiratory allergies
cystic fibrosis
Does Salt
treatment work?
Below are some of the statistics taken from the clinical
trials where this kind of Therapy provided under supervision of physician
Natural Salt
treatment dates back over 200 years
It enerated in a controlled environment began in 1989
Up to 98 percent effectiveness was recorded
Drug usage was reduced in 57.5 percent of patients
80 percent less dyspnoea was reported
After 20 sessions, benefits were shown to last up to 12
Sick days were reduced on average by 11 days, annually